Performance based situations can bring an increased level of stress and anxiety. This feeling is normal and often helps improve performance. When levels of stress and anxiety surrounding a test continue to rise it can cause a decrease in performance and result in:
Difficulty with focus/concentration
Mind going blank
Physical symptoms (sweaty palms, heart racing, headaches, lightheadedness, nausea, shortness of breath, etc.)
Racing thoughts
Difficulty organizing information and thoughts
Negative thinking
Final exams can bring added stress and anxiety. Students who have final exams before winter break are also trying to adapt to a change in routine due to holiday celebrations, late nights, and added sugar and treats. Knowing that winter break is right around the corner can cause difficulty concentrating and focusing on the last few days of school. As final exams approach, these practical tips can be important reminders for students to stay focused and calm.
Engage in self-care: Do not forget to take time for yourself daily/weekly to regroup. This does not have to be a lengthy block of time. This can involve reading a couple chapters of a book, taking a bath, or going for a short walk. Anything that can slow you down, shift your mind, and help you relax.
Be prepared: If you are not prepared for a test it will naturally cause stress and anxiety levels to rise. This means you care about your grade which is a good thing! Create a study plan for at least 3 days before the test and seek out your teacher or a school resource center to prepare.
Remember your grounding techniques: Grounding techniques are great because you can take them anywhere with you.
3-3-3: Quietly name three things you see, three things you hear, and wiggle three parts of your body.
Pick an object in the room to focus on for a few moments. Study its texture. Is it smooth? Bumpy? What color is it? Is it old or new? What purpose does the object serve?
Reframe negative thoughts: Negative thinking may cloud your brain in times of stress. Know your worth and remind yourself that this one test does not define you and what kind of student you are
Back to the basics: A few days to a week before final exams make sure you are getting adequate amounts of sleep. For teenagers that means you should be shooting for 8-10 hours of sleep. Nutrition is also important to optimize your brain power. Reduce processed foods and foods high in sugar. Increase foods rich in nutritional value. A good rule of thumb is eating foods that are colorful and come naturally from the environment (fruit, vegetables, lean meat, beans, nuts, etc.).